
Friday, April 9, 2010

The Road Trip

   Last week over spring break, my family took a mini - vacation/road trip to Tennessee to pick up a pair of draft horses for camp. It was a long ride, but we had a lot of fun. I feel like quite the world traveler.

   Here are a few random images from the trip:

Check out the detail on this building. It had trees, lights, a fire hydrant and even a Fed-Ex dropbox. 

This place was un-believable. Not only the detail, but the whole building was built crooked. I can't image trying to build that thing!

I love the expression of amazement here.

This tunnel was really neat and ended up being one of my favorite things we got to see.

   I'll try to get some pictures of the horses up soon. They are really pretty, but they are huge!


Jill said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the horses! Someday I would like to ride a draft horse.

I like your pictures. That upside-down house is quite interesting. I always enjoy going to Tennessee. Did y'all do any hiking while you were there?


Rachel. said...

We did do some hiking, but not much. Walking those mountain trails showed us we were in worse shape than we thought :)