
Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Day!!

   I couldn't believe it when I woke up and heard everyone in the house talking about it snowing outside. Sure, the weather man said it probably would, but when is he ever right? I looked out my window and saw what to me looked like the equivalent of a blizzard. It just doesn't do that around here. Laying back down, I pulled the covers closer around me. Eventually I crawled out of bed, bundled up in a massive amount of clothes and went outside to check it out.

   I know these two pictures don't have an actual subject. I liked them because it was snowing and you can actually see the snow in the pictures. {So I guess that makes snow the subject}
   After me and the boys walked around some, we grabbed a few rakes and a shovel and set off to make some snowmen. Mamma challenged me to make one bigger than me. She said  if I did she would come see it.


   I didn't quite make it, but she came anyway. I didn't think it was too bad for my first snowman ever. Especially considering that I live in Louisiana and it's only supposed to snow every ten years. By the time we finished, the snow on the ground was completely melted. My little man looks like he's doing a cheerleader pose.

   The boys worked together to make a cowboy version Daniel Boone snowman. We had so much fun freezing!




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