On my birthday, instead of a cake, I had a birthday pie. Home-made pie is one of my strongest weaknesses. Strongest weakness...that doesn't sound right. Anyway, I would choose pie over cake any day. I had plans of making a chocolate chip pecan pie, but ended up making a chocolate meringue pie instead. I love the little peaks on top of the meringue.
One day, my sister-in-law, Chrisy, told me how much she liked meringue. The only problem was she normally didn't like whatever flavor was underneath the fluffy top. When I made pie, she would "scalp" the meringue off the top and pawn the unwanted bottom off on someone else. So one year for her birthday, I decided I was going to make her a meringue pie. It was quite a creation. At the time, she said she liked it but now she claims that it cured her of her meringue obsession.

Food photography is definitely one of your fortes!
What I'd like to know is... who got the last piece?
Thanks Joe.
And Jill. It's so funny that you should ask. There were two people debating today over which one would get the last piece and I had to break the news that it had mysteriously disappeared :)
In my defense, I was in my early pregnancy stage and was having all that morning sickness :) I was counting the thought behind it!
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