
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Veggie They Missed

   In case you haven't already guessed from the title of the blog, I LOVE CHOCOLATE. As in, I can't imagine a world without it. Well, maybe not quite so drastic, but very close. That and a camera. Back to the main point. I really, really like chocolate. The best part is that I can justify myself to some extent by telling myself it's good for me. They do say there are lots of anti-oxidants {whatever those things are} in some types of chocolate. I'm not making this up you know.


   I'm really not that picky about my chocolate either. Although dark chocolate is my favorite, just about any kind will do.


   But the good stuff is even better. One time I had a small pack of Ferrero Rondnoir chocolates.I only had a small pack because I couldn't afford a big pack. They were so good. It was a totally chocolate version of a normal Ferrero Rocher only without a nut in the middle. If you haven't tried them, you need to put that on your list of things to do. Unless of course you don't like chocolate like our wonderful pastor.  Who ever heard  of such a thing. If he only new what he was missing.


   This chocolate bar had the best of both worlds because it had dark chocolate on the bottom and milk chocolate on top. Not only did it taste good, it was pretty too. And no, I didn't eat it all by myself. There were two little boys who were most happy to make sure I didn't eat too much.



Jill said...

Mmmm, chocolate! You are making me want some now. :)

I'm enjoying reading your blog.

Rachel. said...

Hi Jill,
So you are a fellow choca-holic? Thanks for your comment. I've enjoyed following your blog, too. You helped me get inspired!
